
Christina-Marie Lümen is an art historian, writer, and curator. Her work has been published with Saint Laurent/Palazzo Grassi/Marsilio Arte; Stallmann, Berlin; Stuck Magazine; Les Nouveaux Riches; and Bode Projects. She is a regular contributor to gallerytalk.net.

In October 2021, she launched her personal website, cmarthoughts.com, aiming to present artists, exhibitions, art works, and subjects of relevance. Her curatorial and writing practice are a comment as well as a pledge on what contemporary art should strive for and generate.

Christina-Marie Lümen has an academic background in art and visual history, philosophy, and literature (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin; Goldsmiths College, London). Her research focuses on the theory of perception and sensuality in relation to colour, form and material. With a liking for freedom, beauty, truth, and love; or painting, theory, edginess, and wit. 

Christina-Marie Lümen